Publikationen von I. T. Baldwin

Buch (1)

Karban, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Induced responses to herbivory. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago [u.a.] (1997), IX, 319 S S.

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Baldwin, I. T.: Nicotine and nitrogen in Nicotiana the integration of defensive and civilian responses to damage. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 71 (2 SUPPL), S. 83 (1990)

Film (4)

Baldwin, I. T.: How do plant genomes develop different phenotypes depending on their environment. (2018)
Baldwin, I. T.: On becoming (and remaining) a plant scientist in the genomics era’. (2017)
Baldwin, I. T.: What new insights into plants‘ defense mechanisms can be gained by studying their interactions with their habitat? (2016)
Baldwin, I. T.: Studying a plant’s ecological interactions in the genomics era: The story of Nicotiana attenuata; Part 1: A short biased history of an interdisciplinary field. (2016)
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