Zeitschriftenartikel (136)

Grubor, V. D.; Heckel, D. G.: Evaluation of the role of CYP6B cytochrome P450s in pyrethroid resistant Australian Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology 16 (1), S. 15 - 23 (2007)
Günnewich, N.; Page, J. E.; Köllner, T. G.; Degenhardt, J.; Kutchan, T. M.: Functional expression and characterization of trichome-specific (-)-limonene synthase and (+)-α-pinene synthase from Cannabis sativa. Natural Product Communications 2 (3), S. 223 - 232 (2007)
Habel, A.; Spiteller, D.; Boland, W.: 1-Phenylethyl isocyanate is a powerful reagent for the chiral analysis of secondary alcohols and hydroxy fatty acids with remote stereogenic centres. Journal of Chromatography A 1165 (1-2), S. 182 - 190 (2007)
Harzsch, S.: The architecture of the nervous system provides important characters for phylogenetic reconstructions: examples from the Arthropoda. Species, Phylogeny and Evolution 1, S. 33 - 57 (2007)
Harzsch, S.; Melzer, R. R.; Müller, C. H. G.: Mechanisms of eye development and evolution of the arthropod visual system: the lateral eyes of Myriapoda are not modified insect ommatidia. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 7 (1), S. 20 - 32 (2007)
Harzsch, S.; Müller, C. H. G.: A new look at the ventral nerve centre of Sagitta: implications for the phylogenetic position of Chaetognatha (arrow worms) and the evolution of the bilaterian nervous system. Frontiers in Zoology 4, 14 (2007)
Heckel, D. G.; Gahan, L. J.; Baxter, S.; Zhao, J.-Z.; Shelton, A. M.; Gould, F.; Tabashnik, B. E.: The diversity of Bt resistance genes in species of Lepidoptera. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 95 (3), S. 192 - 197 (2007)
Hemmati, S.; Schneider, B.; Schmidt, T.; Federolf, K.; Alfermann, A. W.; Fuss, E.: Justicidin B 7-hydroxylase, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase from cell cultures of Linum perenne Himmelszelt involved in the biosynthesis of diphyllin. Phytochemistry 68 (22-24), S. 2736 - 2743 (2007)
Hoeger, S. J.; Schmid, D.; Blom, J. F.; Ernst, B.; Dietrich, D. R.: Analytical and functional characterization of microcystins [Asp3]MC-RR and [Asp3,Dhb7]MC-RR: consequences for risk assessment? Environmental Science & Technology 41 (7), S. 2609 - 2616 (2007)
Huang, F.; Spiteller, D.; Koorbanally, N. A.; Li, Y.; Llewellyn, N. M.; Spencer, J. B.: Elaboration of neosamine rings in the biosynthesis of neomycin and butirosin. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 8 (3), S. 283 - 288 (2007)
Ibanez, A. J.; Muck, A.; Halim, V.; Svatos, A.: Trypsin-linked copolymer MALDI chips for fast protein identification. Journal of Proteome Research 6 (3), S. 1183 - 1189 (2007)
Ibanez, A. J.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.: Metal-Chelating Plastic MALDI (pMALDI) Chips for the Enhancement of Phosphorylated-Peptide/Protein Signals. Journal of Proteome Research 6 (9), S. 3842 - 2848 (2007)
Ibáñez, A.J.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.: Dissipation of charge on MALDI-TOF polymeric chips by an electron-acceptor: analysis of proteins. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 42 (5), S. 634 - 640 (2007)
Izaguirre, M. M.; Mazza, C. A.; Svatos, A.; Baldwin, I. T.; Ballare, C. L.: Solar ultraviolet-B radiation and insect herbivory trigger partially overlapping phenolic responses in Nicotiana attenuata and Nicotiana longiflora. Annals of Botany 99 (1), S. 103 - 109 (2007)
Kampranis, S. C.; Ioannidis, D.; Purvis, A.; Mahrez, W.; Ninga, E.; Katerelos, N. A.; Anssour, S.; Dunwell, J. M.; Degenhardt, J.; Makris, A. M. et al.; Goodenough, P. W.; Johnson, C. B.: Rational conversion of substrate and product specificity in a Salvia monoterpene synthase: structural insights into the evolution of terpene synthase function. The Plant Cell 19 (6), S. 1994 - 2005 (2007)
Kant, M. R.; Baldwin, I. T.: The ecogenetics and ecogenomics of plant–herbivore interactions: rapid progress on a slippery road. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 17 (6), S. 519 - 524 (2007)
Kellner, T.; Krech, M.; Schulz, A.; Müller, C. H. G.: The avifauna of Ibiza: an updated checklist including comments on abundances and ecology. Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge 18, S. 7 - 29 (2007)
Kessler, D.; Baldwin, I. T.: Making sense of nectar scents: the effects of nectar secondary metabolites on floral visitors of Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal 49 (5), S. 840 - 854 (2007)
Khripach, V. A.; Khripach, N. B.; Zhabinskii, V. N.; Zhiburtovich, Y. Y.; Schneider, B.; Degroot, A. T.: Synthesis of [7,7-2H2]epibrassinolide. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 50 (13), S. 1153 - 1158 (2007)
Kliebenstein, D. J.; D'Auria, J.; Behere, A. S.; Kim, J. H.; Gunderson, K. L.; Breen, J. N.; Lee, G.; Gershenzon, J.; Last, R. L.; Jander, G.: Characterization of seed-specific benzoyloxyglucosinolate mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 51 (6), S. 1062 - 1076 (2007)
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