Zeitschriftenartikel (124)

Huang, F.; Haydock, S. F.; Spiteller, D.; Mironenko, T.; Li, T.-L.; Leadlay, P. F.; O’hagan, D.; Spencer, J. B.: The gene cluster for fluorometabolite biosynthesis in Streptomyces cattleya: a thioesterase confers resistance to fluoroacetyl-coenzyme a. Cell Chemical Biology 13 (5), S. 475 - 484 (2006)
Izaguirre, M. M.; Mazza, C. A.; Biondini, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Ballare, C. L.: Remote sensing of future competitors: Impacts on plant defenses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (18), S. 7170 - 7174 (2006)
Jassbi, A. R.: Chemistry and biological activity of secondary metabolites in Euphorbia from Iran. Phytochemistry 67 (18), S. 1977 - 1984 (2006)
Jassbi, A. R.; Mehrdad, M.; Eghtesadi, F.; Ebrahimi, S. N.; Baldwin, I. T.: Novel rearranged abietane diterpenoids from the roots of Salvia sahendica. Chemistry and Biodiversity 3 (8), S. 916 - 922 (2006)
Jassbi, A. R.; Singh, P.; Lamba, J.; Jain, S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Tahara, S.: Transformation of lapachol to a novel naphthoquinone and related compounds. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 61 (1), S. 73 - 77 (2006)
Jassbi, A. R.; Zamanizadehnajari, S.; Kessler, D.; Baldwin, I. T.: A new acyclic diterpene glycoside from Nicotiana attenuata with a mild deterrent effect on feeding Manduca sexta larvae. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 61 (9), S. 1138 - 1142 (2006)
Jordan, F.; Liu, W. C.; Davis, A. J.: Topological keystone species: measures of positional importance in food webs. Oikos 112 (3), S. 535 - 546 (2006)
Kahmen, A.; Renker, C.; Unsicker, S. B.; Buchmann, N.: Niche complementarity for nitrogen: An explanation for the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relationship? Ecology 87 (5), S. 1244 - 1255 (2006)
Kang, J. H.; Baldwin, I. T.: Isolation and characterization of the threonine deaminase promoter in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Science 171 (4), S. 435 - 440 (2006)
Kang, J. H.; Wang, L.; Giri, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Silencing threonine deaminase and JAR4 in Nicotiana attenuata impairs jasmonic acid-isoleucine-mediated defenses against Manduca sexta. The Plant Cell 18 (11), S. 3303 - 3320 (2006)
Kapan, D. D.; Flanagan, N. S.; Tobler, A.; Reed, R. D.; Acevedo Gonzalez, J.; Ramirez Restrepo, M.; Martinez, L.; Maldonado, K.; Ritschoff, C.; Heckel, D. G. et al.; Mcmillan, W. O.: Localization of Müllerian mimicry genes on a dense linkage map of Heliconius erato. Genetics 173 (2), S. 735 - 757 (2006)
Kessler, A.; Halitschke, R.; Diezel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Priming of plant defense responses in nature by airborne signaling between Artemisia tridentata and Nicotiana attenuata. Oecologia 148 (2), S. 280 - 292 (2006)
Klein, M.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Papenbrock, J.: The three desulfoglucosinolate sulfotransferase proteins in Arabidopsis have different substrate specificities and are differentially expressed. The FEBS Journal 273 (1), S. 122 - 136 (2006)
Knaden, M.; Lange, C.; Wehner, R.: The importance of procedural knowledge in desert-ant navigation. Current Biology 16 (21), S. R916 - R917 (2006)
Knaden, M.; Wehner, R.: Fundamental difference in life history traits of two species of Cataglyphis ants. Frontiers in Zoology 3, 21 (2006)
Knight, C. A.; Vogel, H.; Kroymann, J.; Shumate, A.; Witsenboer, H.; Mitchell-Olds, T.: Expression profiling and local adaptation of Boechera holboellii populations for water use efficiency across a naturally occurring water stress gradient. Molecular Ecology 15 (5), S. 1229 - 1237 (2006)
Knudsen, J. T.; Eriksson, R.; Gershenzon, J.; Stahl, B.: Diversity and distribution of floral scent. Botanical Review 72 (1), S. 1 - 120 (2006)
Köhler, G.; Kunert, G.; Opitz, S.: Erstnachweis der Langflügeligen Schwertschrecke, Conocephalus fuscus (Fabricius, 1793), in der Umgebung von Jena / Thürigen (Insecta: Ensifera, Conocephalidae). Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen XI, S. 83 - 88 (2006)
Köllner, T.; O'Maille, P. E.; Gatto, N.; Boland, W.; Gershenzon, J.; Degenhardt, J.: Two pockets in the active site of maize sesquiterpene synthase TPS4 carry out sequential parts of the reaction scheme resulting in multiple products. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 448 (1-2), S. 83 - 92 (2006)
Kost, C.; Heil, M.: Herbivore-induced plant volatiles induce an indirect defence in neighbouring plants. Journal of Ecology 94 (3), S. 619 - 628 (2006)
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