Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics
The Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics group provides access to mass spectrometric analyses to the research groups and departments of the institute. The main focus is the quantification and structure elucidation of volatile and non-volatile small molecules in plants, insects and associated microbes. The MS group supports the analyses from method development and optimization, experimental planning, and sample processing to data analysis. Analytical approaches focus on highly sensitive targeted quantification as well as untargeted metabolomics analyses using high-resolution LC-MS and GC-MS. Additionally, MS-based imaging of biological samples is performed using a dedicated MS imaging platform. The group also provides user training and organizes graduate student courses on mass spectrometry and small molecule analysis.
MS Imaging
- Thermo Q Exactive Plus with AP-SMALDI10 imaging source
- SunChrom MALDI spotter
- microtome
- digital microscope
- ThermoScientific Q Exactive HF-X with Ultimate3000 UHPLC
- Waters Synapt G2 with Aquity nanoUPLC and NanoMate source
- Bruker Impact II with Ultimate3000 UHPLC (ITB)
- Bruker EVOQplus with Ultimate3000 UHPLC (ITB)