Winners of the IMPRS presentation awards announced
After this year’s IMPRS symposium on April 6-7 in Dornburg, the winners of the talk and poster awards were announced. Ghada Yousif, Department of Ecology, University of Osnabrück ("Gene loss promotes cross-feeding interactions within soil bacterial communities") and Devasena Thiagarajan, Research Group Olfactory Coding ("Bimodal sensory processing in Drosophila melanogaster") received the awards for the best talk. Marilia Freire, Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology ("Idiosyncrasy of navigating desert ants") and Andrea Müller, Research Group Plant Defense Physiology ("Working for bed and breakfast: Defense in the neotropical ant-plant Tococa") are the winners of the poster awards. There were many other great posters and talks and it was very close in the final competition. Congratulations!