International Max Planck Research School "Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems"

Publikationen von P. Anderson

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Anderson, P.; Hansson, B. S.; Löfqvist, J.: Plant-odor-specific receptor neurons on the antennae of female and male Spodoptera littoralis. Physiological Entomology 20 (3), S. 189 - 198 (1995)
Ochieng, S. A.; Anderson, P.; Hansson, B. S.: Antennal lobe projection patterns of olfactory receptor neurons involved in sex pheromone detection in Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Tissue & Cell 27 (2), S. 221 - 232 (1995)
Anderson, P.; Hilker, M.; Hansson, B. S.; Bombosch, S.; Klein, B.; Schildknecht, H.: Oviposition deterring components in larval frass of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae): a behavioral and electrophysiological evaluation. Journal of Insect Physiology 39 (2), S. 129 - 137 (1993)
Ljungberg, H.; Anderson, P.; Hansson, B. S.: Physiology and morphology of pheromone-specific sensilla on the antennae of male and female Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 39 (3), S. 253 - 260 (1993)
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