International Max Planck Research School "Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems"

Publikationen von Cristina Daolio

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Lusebrink, I.; Dettner, K.; Schierling, A.; Müller, T.; Daolio, C.; Schneider, B.; Schmidt, J.; Seifert, K.: New pyridine alkaloids from rove beetles of the genus Stenus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 64 (3-4), S. 271 - 278 (2009)
Murgu, M.; Santos, A.; Souza, D.; Daolio, C.; Schneider, B.; Ferreira, A. G.; Rodrigues-Filho, E.: Hydroxylation of a hederagenin derived saponin by a xylareaceous fungus found in fruits of Sapindus saponaria. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 9, S. 831 - 835 (2008)

Buchkapitel (1)

Daolio, C.; Schneider, B.: Coupling liquid chromatography and other separation techniques to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In: Hyphenated and Alternative Methods of Detection in Chromatography, S. 61 - 98 (2012)
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