Molecular and chemical interaction ecology

Science course

  • Start: Feb 19, 2024 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • End: Mar 1, 2024 04:00 PM
  • Speaker: Nicole van Dam, Heiko Vogel
  • Location: Dornburger Str. 159, Institute of Ecology
  • Room: SR2 (aka “the room under the roof”)
This course is part of the international MSc. Evolution, Ecology and Systematics programm at Friedrich Schiller University.

There are formally 3 modules:

  1. Lectures (2 SWS) – week 19-23 Feb 2024 – obligatory for the other modules
  2. Excursion (1 SWS) – to the MPI-CE symposium - report on one of the presentation (20 and 21 Feb)
  3. Seminar (2 SWS) - paper presentation with an introduction on how to do this in the form of a workshop (26 Feb) and and the presentations on 1 March (self-work in between)

To which extend you participate in all of the three modules is up to you and should be discussed with Prof. Van Dam at the start of the module.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to Prof. Van Dam ( by February 9.

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